Cluster and neck-tags

The cluster is a cardboard strip used to pack trays.
The neck-tag is mainly used for Easter eggs.

Cluster and neck-tags

The cluster is a cardboard band that embraces the plastic bowl inside which the product is packaged. It 's a packaging solution that allows you to customize and give added value to a package that otherwise would seem quite thin. The cluster can be made already pre-glued on one side or it can be provided with a locking system for closing. The main use sector is the food sector for all those products packed in trays such as meat, fresh pasta, hamburgers, fish sticks, or in jars like the multi-packs of yogurt. The cluster can completely or partially cover the bowl in order to make visible the product inside. The neck-tag is a shaped tag that is attached to the neck of the product. The hooking system can be obtained from the collar itself or it can be made possible thanks to an automatically applied cord. The main use sector is confectionery for chocolate eggs or the food sector for products packed in glass jars such as grilled vegetables or jams. 

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